व्यस्त जीवनमा सबैलाई थकान महसुस हुन्छ ।
व्यस्त जीवनमा सबैलाई थकान महसुस हुन्छ ।

अफिस, घर, साथीभाइ भेटघाट मानिसको जीवन यस्तैमा बित्ने गरेको छ । यस्तो व्यस्त जीवनमा सबैलाई थकान महसुस हुन्छ । दिनभरको थकान एकछिनमै भगाउन केही...

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Many of you may have visited all part of Qatar;
Many of you may have visited all part of Qatar;

Many of you may have visited all part of Qatar; especially if you are a driver then there is no chance that you haven’t reached. But there i...

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Actress and model Sushma Karki is always on the top when gossip and scandals are considered.
Actress and model Sushma Karki is always on the top when gossip and scandals are considered.

Actress and model Sushma Karki is always on the top when gossip and scandals are considered. Sushma’s boyfriend scandals, Sushma Karki tat...

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However, every happy story have to tangle with som
However, every happy story have to tangle with som

However, every happy story have to tangle with some m!$ery and s@dness. She also went through same thing. Two guy friend of her plans to cel...

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त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको ४२ औ दीक्षान्त समारोहको आयोजना गर्दैछ।
त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको ४२ औ दीक्षान्त समारोहको आयोजना गर्दैछ।

त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको ४२ औ दीक्षान्त समारोहको आयोजना गर्दैछ। समारोहमामा ९ हजार ७ सय३४ विद्यार्थी दीक्षित हुँदै छन्। योसँगै त्रिभुवन विश्व...

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Brother, sister-in-law's house the next day alone, when the queue has been humbled by the true-
Brother, sister-in-law's house the next day alone, when the queue has been humbled by the true-

One alternative you may not be mindful of is learning at a junior college, which is a two-year school in which you can start your college st...

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This is a fun event that is not real. View and comment on only one occasion in the library link, nagathanabata unexpected truth yours
This is a fun event that is not real. View and comment on only one occasion in the library link, nagathanabata unexpected truth yours

While we wait anxiously for Season 5 of American Horror Story, it's been fun to speculate about what gleefully horrifying things will ta...

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All of these incredible young sexy dance: The dance lie until now more than 14 million videos, trying
All of these incredible young sexy dance: The dance lie until now more than 14 million videos, trying

Dance is a performance art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. This movement has aesthetic and symbolic va...

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Security tightened in the world is a dangerous place where these sick, your faith is the sense-View Video
Security tightened in the world is a dangerous place where these sick, your faith is the sense-View Video

In today’s world, people have the ability to take points as well as be great at concealing them in numerous components of their body. Due to...

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Brother, sister-in-law's house the next day alone, when the queue has been humbled by the true-Yon breast Playing Playing story
Brother, sister-in-law's house the next day alone, when the queue has been humbled by the true-Yon breast Playing Playing story

New Nepali Movie: Chapali Height 2 Releasing on 19th August Starring: Ayushman Joshi, Mariska Pokharel, Paramita RL Rana, Rear Rai, Muna Ga...

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अभिनेत्री सरिता लामिछाने विगत दुई दशकदेखि कलाकारितामा निरन्तर छिन् ।
अभिनेत्री सरिता लामिछाने विगत दुई दशकदेखि कलाकारितामा निरन्तर छिन् ।

अभिनेत्री सरिता लामिछाने विगत दुई दशकदेखि कलाकारितामा निरन्तर छिन् । वरिष्ठ निर्देशक तुलसी घिमिरेको चर्चित टेलिशृंखला ‘मुक्ति’ मा अभिनय गरेर...

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यो फोटो कथामा तपाईले देख्नुहुनेछ की यस्ता बकवास तस्विर र सम्झिनुहुनेछ
यो फोटो कथामा तपाईले देख्नुहुनेछ की यस्ता बकवास तस्विर र सम्झिनुहुनेछ

 यो फोटो कथामा तपाईले देख्नुहुनेछ की यस्ता बकवास तस्विर र सम्झिनुहुनेछ यस्तो हर्कत गरी गरी किन विश्व रेकर्ड राख्नुपरेको रु र तपाईलाई लाग्न स...

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रोयल ब्रुनाई एयरलाइन्सका तीन महिला पाइलटले नयाँ इतिहास कायम गरेका छन् ।
रोयल ब्रुनाई एयरलाइन्सका तीन महिला पाइलटले नयाँ इतिहास कायम गरेका छन् ।

रोयल ब्रुनाई एयरलाइन्सका तीन महिला पाइलटले नयाँ इतिहास कायम गरेका छन् । ब्रुनाईको राष्ट्रिय दिवसका अवसरमा महिलाले ब्रुनाईबाट साउदी अरबको शहर...

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1 9-year-old girl's stomach child, Jesus Christ! After all, is not the video View
1 9-year-old girl's stomach child, Jesus Christ! After all, is not the video View

esus Christ was deAd few years back. But it is been said that one of the female has him on her w)mb. But how would be it possible that he wa...

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Every day thousands of Nepalese people go abroad or return home from abroad
Every day thousands of Nepalese people go abroad or return home from abroad

Every day thousands of Nepalese people go abroad or return home from abroad. Going abroad has become a huge trend as people think that after...

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Roads are the most easy and the seconds most cheap means of transport.
Roads are the most easy and the seconds most cheap means of transport.

Roads are the most easy and the seconds most cheap means of transport. Below are listed the most d@ngerous roads in the world. They are so f...

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mystery of the Bermuda Triangle might be the reason behind the hexagonal clouds creating terrifying
mystery of the Bermuda Triangle might be the reason behind the hexagonal clouds creating terrifying

 mystery of the Bermuda Triangle might be the reason behind the hexagonal clouds creating terrifying air bombs with winds of 170 mph. Accord...

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जीवन साथी गलत पर्दा अष्ट्रेलियाका शहरमा भौतारिँदै बिषम -
जीवन साथी गलत पर्दा अष्ट्रेलियाका शहरमा भौतारिँदै बिषम -

रहरै रहरमा एउटा गीतको म्यूजिक भिडियोमा अभिनय गरेर अष्ट्रेलिया हानिएका मोडल बिषम गौतमको अभिनय मोहलाई अष्ट्रेलिको व्यस्त जीवनले रोक्न सकेन । उ...

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हेर्नुहोस ओलम्पिक खेल खेल्दा खेल्दै ज्यान गुमाएका यी खेलाडीहरु डरलाग्दो दृश्य >>>{भिडियो सहित}
हेर्नुहोस ओलम्पिक खेल खेल्दा खेल्दै ज्यान गुमाएका यी खेलाडीहरु डरलाग्दो दृश्य >>>{भिडियो सहित}
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कट्रिना कैफको गोप्य फोटो र भिडियोहरु एक एक गर्दै सामाजिक संजालमा फैलिदै.सलमान खानको उपस्तिथी देख्न सकिन्छ भिडियोमा.
कट्रिना कैफको गोप्य फोटो र भिडियोहरु एक एक गर्दै सामाजिक संजालमा फैलिदै.सलमान खानको उपस्तिथी देख्न सकिन्छ भिडियोमा.

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महिलालाई असाध्यै मनपर्ने यौन आसन यस्ता छन !
महिलालाई असाध्यै मनपर्ने यौन आसन यस्ता छन !

महिलालाई असाध्यै मनपर्ने यौन आसन यस्ता छन !श्रीमान श्रीमती बिच हुने यौन सम्पर्कले कस्लाई बढि यौन आनन्द भएको होला ? पुरुष यौन साथीलाई रमाइलो ...

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? ३० वर्षिया शान्ता परियार, प्रत्यक्षदर्शी मेरो जहिले पनि ढाड दुख्ने समस्या थियो ।
? ३० वर्षिया शान्ता परियार, प्रत्यक्षदर्शी मेरो जहिले पनि ढाड दुख्ने समस्या थियो ।

घटनास्थलमा कसले के के भने ? ३० वर्षिया शान्ता परियार, प्रत्यक्षदर्शी मेरो जहिले पनि ढाड दुख्ने समस्या थियो । औषधी उपचार गर्दा पनि नहुने । चौ...

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प्राय हामी सबैलाई खानेकुरामा चाहे बिहान होस् या बेलुका? अलि अलि चिल्लो,
प्राय हामी सबैलाई खानेकुरामा चाहे बिहान होस् या बेलुका? अलि अलि चिल्लो,

प्राय हामी सबैलाई खानेकुरामा चाहे बिहान होस् या बेलुका? अलि अलि चिल्लो, पिरो खादा खेरि “जिभ्रो मै झुन्डिने” मसलादार तरकारी र अचार नभई खाना र...

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नेपाली युवतीहरु माथि जापानमा यौन शोषण ! यस्तो कहालीलाग्दो भिडियो बाहिरियो (भिडियो सहित)
नेपाली युवतीहरु माथि जापानमा यौन शोषण ! यस्तो कहालीलाग्दो भिडियो बाहिरियो (भिडियो सहित)

नेपाली युवतीहरु माथि जापानमा यौन शोषण ! यस्तो कहालीलाग्दो भिडियो बाहिरियो (भिडियो सहित)

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सिर्जु अधिकारीको नृत्य र राम चन्द्र काफ्लेको स्वरमा निकै मिठो लोक दोहोरी गीत "हुन् रिसाउन"
सिर्जु अधिकारीको नृत्य र राम चन्द्र काफ्लेको स्वरमा निकै मिठो लोक दोहोरी गीत "हुन् रिसाउन"
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Sugauli Treaty Conspiracy solved
Sugauli Treaty Conspiracy solved

Sugauli Treaty Conspiracy solved The treaty of Sugauli, which has been one of the main cause for Nepal's loss in territory was signed ...

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नमा ब्रा र पेन्टी अनिवार्य लगाउने र राति खोल्ने बानी बसाल्नु स्वास्थ्यका लागि लाभदायक छ
नमा ब्रा र पेन्टी अनिवार्य लगाउने र राति खोल्ने बानी बसाल्नु स्वास्थ्यका लागि लाभदायक छ

नमा ब्रा र पेन्टी अनिवार्य लगाउने र राति खोल्ने बानी बसाल्नु स्वास्थ्यका लागि लाभदायक छ । भित्री वस्त्र खोलेर सुत्नुका केही फाइदा छन्ः ...

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Movie 'actress says vephikreko trailer saplings lips and face their audience and lovers
Movie 'actress says vephikreko trailer saplings lips and face their audience and lovers

Movie 'actress says vephikreko trailer saplings lips and face their audience and lovers of the pheriepachi have been surprised. After ...

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A girl in very short dress comes and he begs her some money.
A girl in very short dress comes and he begs her some money.

A girl in very short dress comes and he begs her some money. The girl looks at him and scolds him that he could go fishing instead. She tell...

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To prevent him from putting on any more weight, family has put the 10-year-old on a brown rice crash diet
To prevent him from putting on any more weight, family has put the 10-year-old on a brown rice crash diet

To prevent him from putting on any more weight, family has put the 10-year-old on a brown rice crash diet. Arya is stuck inside at home, bar...

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Stop sending workers to Saudi Nepal ::
Stop sending workers to Saudi Nepal ::

The government will supply NRI recruitment (middle) company to send Nepali workers who have been off. Last samamaya these agents should be ...

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Singer and model Jyoti Magar is plump when compared to other models.Jyoti Magar believes that being fat is a blessing to her.
Singer and model Jyoti Magar is plump when compared to other models.Jyoti Magar believes that being fat is a blessing to her.

Singer and model Jyoti Magar is plump when compared to other models.Jyoti Magar believes that being fat is a blessing to her. That is what h...

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Kim Jong might be the first name you might think of when you hear North Korea
Kim Jong might be the first name you might think of when you hear North Korea

Kim Jong might be the first name you might think of when you hear North Korea and also the strAnge things about him which are popular all ov...

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The title of the short movie is Play Girl.
The title of the short movie is Play Girl.

A new Nepali h)t and $e^y short movie has been uploaded on YouTube. The title of the short movie is Play Girl. In the short movie a girl ca...

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A new Nepali short comedy movie has been uploaded on YouTube and it is very funny.
A new Nepali short comedy movie has been uploaded on YouTube and it is very funny.

A new Nepali short comedy movie has been uploaded on YouTube and it is very funny. In the short movie a man carries his bag and is all set ...

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People like to compare their things and to show off with each other.
People like to compare their things and to show off with each other.

People like to compare their things and to show off with each other. This causes problems not only between friends but families. A new sho...

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sex is being the basic need for people and everyone is getting so much into it that they end
sex is being the basic need for people and everyone is getting so much into it that they end

sex is being the basic need for people and everyone is getting so much into it that they ends betr@ying their partner. Here in this video yo...

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The US presidential election victory on Sunday, voters did Donald trampale supply without further evidence of serious
The US presidential election victory on Sunday, voters did Donald trampale supply without further evidence of serious

The US presidential election victory on Sunday, voters did Donald trampale supply without further evidence of serious fraud, and millions of...

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A new Nepali short movie which is a presentation of Kaliug has now been uploaded on YouTube.
A new Nepali short movie which is a presentation of Kaliug has now been uploaded on YouTube.

A new Nepali short movie which is a presentation of Kaliug has now been uploaded on YouTube. The h^t and $e^y short movie has been uploaded ...

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पछिल्लो समय धेरै पुरुषहरु पत्नीको आखाँ छलेर अर्कै महिलासँग सम्बन्ध राख्ने गरेको समाचार बाहिरी रहेको बेला चीनमा
पछिल्लो समय धेरै पुरुषहरु पत्नीको आखाँ छलेर अर्कै महिलासँग सम्बन्ध राख्ने गरेको समाचार बाहिरी रहेको बेला चीनमा

पछिल्लो समय धेरै पुरुषहरु पत्नीको आखाँ छलेर अर्कै महिलासँग सम्बन्ध राख्ने गरेको समाचार बाहिरी रहेको बेला चीनमा एकजना पुरुषले आफ्नी श्रीमतीको...

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मलाई यौन सम्पर्क गर्न मन लाग्छ । यौन चाहना तीव्र हुँदा कुनै पुरुषसँग यौन सम्पर्क राखौँ कि जस्तो पनि लाग्छ ।
मलाई यौन सम्पर्क गर्न मन लाग्छ । यौन चाहना तीव्र हुँदा कुनै पुरुषसँग यौन सम्पर्क राखौँ कि जस्तो पनि लाग्छ ।

म १७ वर्षकी छु । मलाई यौन सम्पर्क गर्न मन लाग्छ । यौन चाहना तीव्र हुँदा कुनै पुरुषसँग यौन सम्पर्क राखौँ कि जस्तो पनि लाग्छ । तर, मैले त्यसो ...

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बिश्वकै ह्याण्डसम पुरुषको सुचिमा रितिक रोशन तेस्रो स्थानमा
बिश्वकै ह्याण्डसम पुरुषको सुचिमा रितिक रोशन तेस्रो स्थानमा

पछिल्लो समय बलिउड बक्स अफिसमा खासै छाउन नसकेपनि रितिक रोशन बिश्वका ह्याण्डसम पुरुषको सुचिमा बलिउडका तीन खानलाई पछि पर्दै तेस्रो स्थानमा रहन ...

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These days we can see lots of crime happening through Facebook
These days we can see lots of crime happening through Facebook

These days we can see lots of crime happening through Facebook. People are being fooled here on Facebook. We can see lots of women getting s...

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विहानमा यी ५ चिज देखियो भने दिन नै शुभ हुन्छ
विहानमा यी ५ चिज देखियो भने दिन नै शुभ हुन्छ

भनिन्छ दिनको शुरुवात राम्रो भो भने दिन नै राम्रो हुन्छ । शास्त्रमा यस्ता कुरा उल्लेख छन् जुन कुरा विहान उठ्ने वित्तिकै देखियो भने शुभ र अशुभ...

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खाली पेटमा दूधमा तुलसीको पात मिलाएर खाएमा फाइदै फाइदा
खाली पेटमा दूधमा तुलसीको पात मिलाएर खाएमा फाइदै फाइदा

अहिले मौसम परिवर्तनको समय छ। प्राय धेरै मानिसलाई रुघा लाग्‍ने र ज्वरो आउने गरेको हुन्छ। तर हामी मेडिकलबाट तुरुन्तै औषधि किन्छौ र सेवन गर्न थ...

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महिनावारी हुँदा कसरी यौन सम्पर्क गर्ने ? प्रतेक पुरुषले ख्याल गर्नु पर्ने १० प्र्योगहरु
महिनावारी हुँदा कसरी यौन सम्पर्क गर्ने ? प्रतेक पुरुषले ख्याल गर्नु पर्ने १० प्र्योगहरु

महिलाहरुको शरीरमा हुने नियमित जैविक प्रक्रिया हो मासिक श्राव । तर यो विषयमा थरिथरिका विचारहरु पाइन्छन् । परम्परागत हिन्दू धार्मिक मान्यताल म...

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Coriander is the healing ghamauralai to make swift, janaum some other domestic measures
Coriander is the healing ghamauralai to make swift, janaum some other domestic measures

Rashes problem will be common as the hOt summer days comes. It gives lots of irritation to distress to people. So, today we are giving short...

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The comedy serial “Khas Khus” present the every social and political event in comic way.
The comedy serial “Khas Khus” present the every social and political event in comic way.

The comedy serial “Khas Khus” present the every social and political event in comic way. This is one of the most viewed programs where we ca...

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आगामी मङ्सिर २६ देखि २९ सम्म हुने उक्त प्रतियोगितामा नेपाल, भारत, बङ्गलादेश र पाकिस्तानका गरी २२६ जना पहलवानको सहभागिता
आगामी मङ्सिर २६ देखि २९ सम्म हुने उक्त प्रतियोगितामा नेपाल, भारत, बङ्गलादेश र पाकिस्तानका गरी २२६ जना पहलवानको सहभागिता

पन्देहीको छोटकी रामनगर गाविसस्थित मझौली चौराहामा हुन लागेको कुस्ती प्रतियोगितामा राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्षेत्रका २२६ जना पहलवान भिड्...

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most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies.
most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies.

Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endow...

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विवाह भन्ने कुरा दुलहा र दुलहीबीचको सम्बन्धमात्र होइन, दुई परिवारबीचको सम्बन्ध पनि हो।
विवाह भन्ने कुरा दुलहा र दुलहीबीचको सम्बन्धमात्र होइन, दुई परिवारबीचको सम्बन्ध पनि हो।

२०७०विवाह भन्ने कुरा दुलहा र दुलहीबीचको सम्बन्धमात्र होइन, दुई परिवारबीचको सम्बन्ध पनि हो। जसमा दुलहीको पहिरनले समेत विशेष भूमिका खेलेको हुन...

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किस अर्थात् चुम्बन तपाईं कति मन पराउनुहुन्छ ?
किस अर्थात् चुम्बन तपाईं कति मन पराउनुहुन्छ ?

किस अर्थात् चुम्बन तपाईं कति मन पराउनुहुन्छ ? राम्रो अनुहार पाए त कसलाई चुम्बन गर्न मन लाग्दैन होला ? विशेष गरी कलेज पढ्ने किशोर–किशोरीहरू त...

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We all know that as per astrology, the placement of mole on different parts of body signifies different things
We all know that as per astrology, the placement of mole on different parts of body signifies different things

We all know that as per astrology, the placement of mole on different parts of body signifies different things. Astrologers have the knowled...

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Nepali Folk Musical Instruments and Cultural Group will be held until November 29 at the Rastriya Nachghar in Jamal in the Capital
Nepali Folk Musical Instruments and Cultural Group will be held until November 29 at the Rastriya Nachghar in Jamal in the Capital

Nepali Folk Musical Instruments and Cultural Group will be held until November 29 at the Rastriya Nachghar in Jamal in the Capital.Inaugurat...

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A video of a woman peeing on the counter of a FamilyMart convenience store has gone viral in Taiwan
A video of a woman peeing on the counter of a FamilyMart convenience store has gone viral in Taiwan

A video of a woman peeing on the counter of a FamilyMart convenience store has gone viral in Taiwan.In the video, the woman is seen having a...

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Did you sit staring at the dreamy blue eyes of the Pakistani chaiwala before we all came to know
Did you sit staring at the dreamy blue eyes of the Pakistani chaiwala before we all came to know

Did you sit staring at the dreamy blue eyes of the Pakistani chaiwala before we all came to know he was Arshad Khan (read more here). Did yo...

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Thamel is a commercial neighbourhood in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.
Thamel is a commercial neighbourhood in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

Thamel is a commercial neighbourhood in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Thamel has been the centre of the tourist industry in Kathmandu for...

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The Bhaktapur-based Human Organ Transplant Centre has performed a successful
The Bhaktapur-based Human Organ Transplant Centre has performed a successful

The Bhaktapur-based Human Organ Transplant Centre has performed a successful heart surgery for the first time in the history of its establis...

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चर्चित लोकगायक बद्रि पंगेनीले यही मौकामा नयाँ गीत सार्वजनिक गरेका छन्।
चर्चित लोकगायक बद्रि पंगेनीले यही मौकामा नयाँ गीत सार्वजनिक गरेका छन्।

मंसिरको महिना, बिहेका लगनको महिना। चर्चित लोकगायक बद्रि पंगेनीले यही मौकामा नयाँ गीत सार्वजनिक गरेका छन्। एकनारायण भण्डारीको शब्द तथा लयको...

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दुई महिनापछि चालक अनुमतिपत्र खुल्दा यातायात कार्यालयमा भीड फाराम भर्न अघिल्लो रातबाटै लाममा -
दुई महिनापछि चालक अनुमतिपत्र खुल्दा यातायात कार्यालयमा भीड फाराम भर्न अघिल्लो रातबाटै लाममा -

सवारी चालक अनुमतिपत्रको फाराम भर्न नसकेर बुधबार फर्किनुभएका सिन्धुपाल्चोकका रमेश तामाङ बिहीबार पनि फर्कन बाध्य भए  । बुधबार बिहान ७ बजे नै...

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Similar looking twins are very difficult to identify.
Similar looking twins are very difficult to identify.

Similar looking twins are very difficult to identify. People gets deceived and laugh to similar looking twins. But the pain of twins are wi...

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नेपाली कामदारको लागि प्रमुख गन्तव्य मानिएको साउदी अरबको रोजगारीमा संकट बढ्न थालेको छ ।
नेपाली कामदारको लागि प्रमुख गन्तव्य मानिएको साउदी अरबको रोजगारीमा संकट बढ्न थालेको छ ।

नेपाली कामदारको लागि प्रमुख गन्तव्य मानिएको साउदी अरबको रोजगारीमा संकट बढ्न थालेको छ । अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय बजारमा निरन्तर कच्चा तेलको मूल्य तल्ल...

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दुर्घटनामा परी एभिया क्लबमा कार्यरत रसियन पाइलट अलेक्जेन्डर म्याक्सिमोभको
दुर्घटनामा परी एभिया क्लबमा कार्यरत रसियन पाइलट अलेक्जेन्डर म्याक्सिमोभको

दुर्घटनामा परी एभिया क्लबमा कार्यरत रसियन पाइलट अलेक्जेन्डर म्याक्सिमोभको मृत्यु भएको वडा प्रहरी कार्यालय बैदामका प्रहरी निरीक्षक मोहनमणि अध...

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Bombs have gone off at two Boudha-based schools on Tuesday in kathmandu,
Bombs have gone off at two Boudha-based schools on Tuesday in kathmandu,

Bombs have gone off at two Boudha-based schools on Tuesday in kathmandu, Nepal. Also the bomb terrors have spread across Radiant School of L...

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राज्य त सबैको अभिभावक हो, जोया नेपालकै छोराकी श्रीमती भएकीले उ नेपालकी बुहारी हो,
राज्य त सबैको अभिभावक हो, जोया नेपालकै छोराकी श्रीमती भएकीले उ नेपालकी बुहारी हो,

राज्य त सबैको अभिभावक हो, जोया नेपालकै छोराकी श्रीमती भएकीले उ नेपालकी बुहारी हो, अर्थात हाम्रो ईज्जत हो । हामीले त त्यसरी त्यागिएकी चेलीलाई...

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From last week these Top 12 dancers are giving their best in order to secure their seat in Top 6
From last week these Top 12 dancers are giving their best in order to secure their seat in Top 6

From last week these Top 12 dancers are giving their best in order to secure their seat in Top 6 Contestants list. Each dancing sensational ...

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जिबन फिलिपिन्स हुदाको सम्पूर्ण फोटो हेर्न यहा क्लिक गर्नुहोस
जिबन फिलिपिन्स हुदाको सम्पूर्ण फोटो हेर्न यहा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

जिबन फिलिपिन्स हुदाको सम्पूर्ण फोटो हेर्न यहा क्लिक गर्नुहोस जिबन थापा मगर र मामा कामे मगर जोयाका सारा परिवारसंग सौहार्द र सामिप्यताका साथ ...

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Mujica is the world poorest President. According to wikipedia;
Mujica is the world poorest President. According to wikipedia;

osé Mujica is the world poorest President. According to wikipedia; José Mujica was born on 20 May 1935 is a Uruguayan politician who was the...

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Born playing where our daughter grew up, Theakur moment as clean mountain
Born playing where our daughter grew up, Theakur moment as clean mountain

Born playing where our daughter grew up, Theakur moment as clean mountain This and all the Nepalis Hor shed! Jibon adornment casket before...

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One year has passed since the Constituent Assembly first promulgated the new Constitution
One year has passed since the Constituent Assembly first promulgated the new Constitution

One year has passed since the Constituent Assembly first promulgated the new Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. The c...

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This is a comedy program named "Hakka Hakki"
This is a comedy program named "Hakka Hakki"

This is a comedy program named "Hakka Hakki". This show is written and directed by famous comedian Daman Rupakathi. Daman Dupakhet...

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विदेशबाट पनि नेपालको मोबाइल रिचार्ज गर्न मिल्ने सुविधा भएको नयाँ एप सार्वजनिक
विदेशबाट पनि नेपालको मोबाइल रिचार्ज गर्न मिल्ने सुविधा भएको नयाँ एप सार्वजनिक

वाशिडटन डिसी । विदेशबाट पनि नेपालको मोबाइल रिचार्ज गर्न मिल्ने सुविधा भएको नयाँ एप सार्वजनिक भएको छ । अब बिदेशमा बस्ने तपाईका आफ्ना मान्छेहर...

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saudi aribia
saudi aribia

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44 years old Borolop of Thailand has only 9 baht. He finds hermason’s
44 years old Borolop of Thailand has only 9 baht. He finds hermason’s

44 years old Borolop of Thailand has only 9 baht. He finds hermason’s purse that cost 579$ and there will be some credit card as well. He co...

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ताजा खबर, काठमाण्डौं । नेपाली गीत संगीतमा चर्चित र लोकप्रिय नाम हो ‘अन्जु पन्त
ताजा खबर, काठमाण्डौं । नेपाली गीत संगीतमा चर्चित र लोकप्रिय नाम हो ‘अन्जु पन्त

ताजा खबर, काठमाण्डौं । नेपाली गीत संगीतमा चर्चित र लोकप्रिय नाम हो ‘अन्जु पन्त’ । केहि बर्ष अघि सम्म निक्कै मिडियामा छाउने अन्जु पन्त आजभोलि...

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यति धेरै सुन्दर बाइक पाएपछि मन नै आनन्द आउँछ। यो फास्ट रेसिङ बाइकमा बसेर तपाई जसलाई पनि पछ्याउन सक्नुहुन्छ।
यति धेरै सुन्दर बाइक पाएपछि मन नै आनन्द आउँछ। यो फास्ट रेसिङ बाइकमा बसेर तपाई जसलाई पनि पछ्याउन सक्नुहुन्छ।

यति धेरै सुन्दर बाइक पाएपछि मन नै आनन्द आउँछ। यो फास्ट रेसिङ बाइकमा बसेर तपाई जसलाई पनि पछ्याउन सक्नुहुन्छ। best-bikes3 यो बाइकमा बस्नुको ...

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थापाले जिज्ञासा राखेपछि मुख्य सचिव सोमलाल सुवेदीले नियुक्तिसम्बन्धी माइन्यूट कार्यालयमै रहेको जानकारी दिएका थिए ।
थापाले जिज्ञासा राखेपछि मुख्य सचिव सोमलाल सुवेदीले नियुक्तिसम्बन्धी माइन्यूट कार्यालयमै रहेको जानकारी दिएका थिए ।

अख्तियार दुरूपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगका प्रमुख लोकमानसिंह कार्कीको नियुक्तिसम्बन्धी फाइल प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मन्त्रिपरिषद कार्यालयमै रहेको खुलेको छ...

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Today we are going to share with you a recipe which will not only clean your kidney
Today we are going to share with you a recipe which will not only clean your kidney

Today we are going to share with you a recipe which will not only clean your kidney but also help you lose weight in just 5 days: Ingredient...

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