The almond is a deciduous tree, expanding 4– 10 m in elevation, with a trunk of as much as 30 centimeters (12 in) in size. The young branche...
Time Pass 34 – Nepali Comedy Video
Directed by Matrika Poudel and Sisir Budhathoki, Produced by tv Nepali, starred by Matrika Poudel and Unika Rai, a short comedy video – Time...
hyaure Song
Dohori music is Nepali folk songs. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm, and involves quick and witty poetry. Th...
Girls Danc in hotel(video)
Any dancer could tell you that spending hours in front of a mirror being corrected every day will affect you psychologically. Sure, it can c...
हात्ती भगाउने यो हो काइदा...
स्थानीयका मोबाइलमा एकसाथ एसएमएस बर्सियो । छिनमै साइरन बज्यो । गाउँलेहरू जर्याकजुरुक उठेर आगो बाले । अनि टिन ठटाउन थाले । यति बेलासम्म डल्ला...
चुरे उत्खननप्रति राष्ट्रपतिको चिन्ता
राष्ट्रपति विद्यादेवी भण्डारीले व्यवसायीको प्रभावमा सरकारले चुरे क्षेत्रबाट गिट्टी, ढुंगा र बालुवालगायतका निर्माण सामाग्री उत्खनन् गरि नदीज...
अब मुस्ताङसम्मै सरर...
विराटनगरबाट आफ्नै जिप लिएर मुक्तिनाथ यात्रामा निस्केका जयेश बोहोराले पोखरा आइपुगुन्जेल पनि इन्टरनेटमा हिमालपारिको जिल्लाको सडकमार्गको अवस्था...