To prevent him from putting on any more weight, family has put the 10-year-old on a brown rice crash diet. Arya is stuck inside at home, barely able to move, while his neighbors and school friends are outside playing football.

Arya is from Karawang in the West Java province of Indonesia and he weighs 192 kg. The morbidly obese ten-year-old struggles to walk long distances and since he is over weight, he no longer goes to school.
Arya’s family was told by the doctors that the boy has no underlying medical conditions. But in an attempt to try and combat his extreme weight gains, he has been put on a strict brown rice and fruit diet. His mother is Rokayah Somantri and she said, ‘I wish he can go back to normal because it makes me sad.’
When Arya was born, he was a healthy 3.8 kg.
Rokoyah said, ‘He was healthy and normal in the womb. Even when he was 5-years-old he was not so big but when he was nine to ten he started getting bigger.’
He used to eat 5 meals in a day, two plates at a time. It soon resulted in Arya’s weight ballooning out of control. Now Arya is too big to even fit into clothes, so he spends his days wrapped in a blanket. He needs help to stand up and struggles to find a comfortable position to sit or lie in because of his layers of fat. He spends most of his day playing video games, reading comics or playing with his older brother.


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