A popular Nepali prank channel is Prankster Revival. They uploaded new pr@nk videos in their YouTube channel and it is $er!ou$ly hil@rious. A new pr@nk video has been uploaded on their channel which is very funny. The title of the pr@nk video is ‘Blind thief.’
In the pr@nk video a blind man goes up to random people. He then asks where he is. He even tell them that his friend is coming and asks the people to hold a bad that is in his hands to them. What happens later is sh*ocking and h!l@rious as hell. First, the man acting to be blind goes up to a group of men. There he does the same thing. And just a few minutes later two men come in a bike and start to claim that bag as their. They b@ame the person carrying the bag as a thief and say that there are 5 hundred thousand rupees in the bag. As the people try to say that the bag does not belong to them but the blind man, the pr@nksters question him that how could a blind man steal and act in a very agg*ressive. way.

The people who are getting pr@nked get worried and sc@red. But when they find out that it is all just a pr@nk they laugh it out and walk off.


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