Industry Minister Nabindraraj Joshi has said that this government would conduct the local elections. Inaugurating the beginning of a modern machine to process the Allo in Shalija VDC of Parbat district on Sunday, Joshi said that local poll would be conducted by third week of June at any cost. He also added that the Prachanda-led government would be changed after holding the local polls. “This government will conduct election. Environment is becoming favourable,” he argued. Saying that the government has the challenges to conduct all three layers of elections within a year, Joshi added that the government would not move back from its stand. Minister Joshi reiterated that the date of the local election would be declared soon and the government was committed to conducting the poll on the basis of consensus of all political parties. During the programme, State Minister for Industry Kanchan Chandra Bade Shrestha said that the government was working for the development of small and medium-sized industries in the country.

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