Model Aditi Budhathoki has been selected to be featured opposite to Anmol KC in his upcoming movie ‘Kri’. Anmol had signed in the movie for the largest amount to-date of Rs. 2 million. Aditi Budhathoki was selected in an audition held to choose the most probable actress for the movie. Aditi was selected from the pool of 30 applicants.As of 2016, Aditi is 24 years old, and is 5’ 5″ tall. Aditi’s favourite colour is red and golden. Aditi’s mother, Puspa Budhathoki, is a professional fashion designer. Aditi says she is inspired by Deepika Paudkone and Miranda Kerr.Aditi is fitness conscious and takes care on what she eats. She is a pure vegetarian but she loves eating pizza. To keep herself fit, she does zumba and yoga 4 days in a week.A photo of Aditi with her parents:

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