Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art welcomes families with children of almost any age. Even the occasional baby stroller can be seen among the crowds. Exposure to paintings and sculptures is mind-expanding, even for whiny youngsters who wish they were somewhere else. That “somewhere else” could be the boldly colorful building that visitors pass as they turn onto Museum Way heading into Crystal Bridges. It’s Scott Family Amazeum, and the promise of a visit after a not-too-long art tour may serve to entice any recalcitrant offspring. The Amazeum bills itself as “a hands-on interactive museum for children of all ages and their families. We want you to get in here and make a mess, get a little wet (you might want to bring extra clothes), climb and sing!” If anything, there’s too much going on here to be absorbed in a single visit. The museum’s brochure is not exaggerating in its promise that “We have so much for you to do. Make a 10-foot-tall SpongeBob SquarePants come to life in the Nickelodeon PlayLab. Send foam boxes flying on conveyor belts and have fun with air tubes in General Mills Lift, Load & Haul. Have fun (and get wet) making water dance, spray and move in Nature Valley Water Amazements.”

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