Eat a dish must be considered vesara. The earliest inhabitants of vegetable pickle dish, turmeric placed brightness. It is felt that if vesara hair grow so when we use vesara Pa ¥ hair grow it said that would not be attractive to parikaralaimatra darauchaum besarale bread ceases attractive and makes the face beautiful. To enjoy the charming and beautiful facial facial custom has been increasing. But all the time disagreeing facial. Such a situation can be taken to help bhansamai of turmeric.

HOW TO USE: The two small teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with half a teaspoon of turmeric contains 10 dots misaunuhosa smell water. It also misaunuhosa Lemon and face out. Flag nuhaunubhanda first lap and a half hour pakhalnuhosa it and you do your face and your eyes shine chain mahasuusa s stain slowly goes

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