Directed by Matrika Poudel and Sisir Budhathoki, Produced by tv Nepali, starred by Matrika Poudel and Unika Rai, a short comedy video – Time Pass 34, displays a funny conversation with mesmerizing acts between boyfriend and girlfriend.
Matrika wanders here and there being jobless. The time for him proves to be fertile to meet his girlfriend and hence calls her to meet him the spot where the generally meet one another since the place is tranquil and lonely. Young couple hardly gets such fertile place where they can celebrate their young hood merging themselves within one another. Matrika and Unika are blessed with such fertile place with a lot of benefits. Matrika is found to be a foolish person in the sense that he doesn’t even understand why females weep while leaving their parents house after their marriage. The girl very interestingly replies the reasons why females weep as they leave their parents’ home after their marriage.

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