The Shah-led Himani Trust and the Buddhist Association of Japan are funding the construction. Rajkumari Himani Singh of Sikar was conceived ...
एमालेको ‘दशक यताकै ठूलो’ प्रदर्शन, अस्तव्यस्त ट्राफिक
राजधानी काठमाडौंमा नेकपा एमालेसहित ९ विपक्षी दलको शक्ति प्रदर्शन सुरू भएको छ। दिउसो १ बजेदेखि उपत्यकाका ४० स्थानबाट र्याली निकाल्ने पूर्व य...
चित्रबहादुर केसीको भारतलाई प्रश्नः संविधान बनाएर तिम्रो के बिगारेम्?
राष्ट्रिय जनमोर्चाका अध्यक्ष चित्रबहादुर केसीले भारतको हस्तक्षेप स्वीकार्य नहुने बताएका छन्। उनले संविधान निर्माणका क्रममा र अहिले संसोधनमको...
This portrait the hard living of species and their struggle for survival
This portrait the hard living of species and their struggle for survival. Even a single step in another boundary is d@ngerou$. Anytime at an...
People comes up with stupid stuff in their life as here you can see one of the incident that held in China
People comes up with stupid stuff in their life as here you can see one of the incident that held in China. A man was standing on a balcony ...
It is a product for making lip attractive and healthy
2. Lip Balm: It is a product for making lip attractive and healthy. It is used directly to the lips where also many bacteria are available a...
Woman busted smuggling teen inside suitcase
Woman busted smuggling teen inside suitcase A young woman has been caught trying to smuggle a teenage African migrant hidden in her suitcase...