The last rite of Anil Adhikari, a rapper best known as Yama Buddha, who was found murdered in his apartment in the United Kingdom on January...
Jyoti Magar is a Nepalese folk singer, model and dancer.
Jyoti Magar New Song 2017 SARAI JADO BHO. Jyoti Magar is a Nepalese folk singer, model and dancer.She started her professional musical caree...
प्रकृतिको मनमोहक दृश्य
शुक्रबारको बर्षापछि सिन्धुली जिल्लाको डुड्भन्ज्याङ क्षेत्रमा हवाई जहाजबाट देखिएको प्रकृतिको एक मनमोहक दृश्य ।शुक्रबारको बर्षापछि सिन्धुली जि...
Rekha Thapa is a Nepali actress, model and film maker.
Rekha Thapa is a Nepali actress, model and film maker. She was a top ten finalist for Miss Nepal in 1999.[3] Two years later she made her mo...
खाना तयार पार्दा के कुरामा ध्यान दिनुपर्छ ?
खाना तयार पार्दा के कुरामा ध्यान दिनुपर्छ ? हाइजिनमै विशेष ध्यान पुर्याउनुपर्छ । के पकाइँदै छ, त्यसको गुणस्तर, पकाउने तरिका, अवधि तथा मरमस...
जान्नुहोस् ‘एस’ S बाट नाम सूरु भएका मानिसहरु कस्ता हुन्छन्
अंग्रेजीको १९ औ लेटर ‘एस’ । किताबी ज्ञान बाहेक व्यवहारिक ज्ञानमा पनि ‘एस’ लेटरको महत्व रहेको बताइन्छ । ‘एस’ बाट नाम सूरु हुने मानिसहरु एकदमै...
Prior to she was focusing on track occasions, but we encouraged her to try trail running
Prior to she was focusing on track occasions, but we encouraged her to try trail running, and she has not looked back. After her very first ...