 mystery of the Bermuda Triangle might be the reason behind the hexagonal clouds creating terrifying air bombs with winds of 170 mph. According to scientists the stormy blasts can flip ships into the sea and can even bring planes crashing down into the sea. The mystifying square patch in the North Atlantic Ocean is 500,000 km and has been blamed for the disappearance of at least 75 planes and hundreds of ships. But the oddly-shaped clouds may hold the secret to the vanishing acts.

The so called air bombs create such powerful winds that they generate 45 ft high winds.
Meteorologist Randy Cerveny said, ‘These types of hexagonal shapes over the ocean are in essence air bombs. They are formed by what are called micro bursts and they’re blasts of air that come down out of the bottom of a cloud and then hit the ocean and then create waves that can sometimes be massive in size as they start to interact with each other.’

Researchers even added that over the western tip of Bermuda Island, massive clouds were appearing and they ranged from 20 to 55 miles across.
Satellite meteorologist at Colorado State University Dr Steve Miller added, ‘You don’t typically see straight edges with clouds. Most of the time, clouds are random in their distribution.’


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